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1 CuriousLurker  Thu, Jul 19, 2012 1:57:39am

So members of the same party that want to dumb down science & education in the U.S. are also the ones who are against the need to bring in highly skilled foreign workers that American companies can't find locally. Got it. Makes sense. //

2 Curt  Thu, Jul 19, 2012 4:18:26am

re: #1 CuriousLurker

So members of the same party that want to dumb down science & education in the U.S. are also the ones who are against the need to bring in highly skilled foreign workers that American companies can't find locally. Got it. Makes sense. //

It goes way beyond politicians and political parties. It goes to it's not been cool to be a geek, until you make it big time, then all of a sudden everyone loves you again, that made fun of a pocket protector you had.

The cultural stigma of being unpopular drives it, IMHO, and has been a part of our society for a few decades, in which we moved to glorifying sports figures and performers, and looks, and made "mainstream" comedy about the people who programmed computers, built and maintained them, etc, etc, etc.

At one point, it was a push all around for science and math in the Cold War days, but then, as the Soviets cried "Uncle," any references to that old scary duck and cover were laughed off, and things like American Idol and FaceBook have become the things "we" love.

Now, in parallel with that, the nation of India, in the 80s, decided, as a nation, that they would become the best software engineers on the planet, and put a culture and infrastructure together to do that. Guess what? They went after the plan and have now been a nation that supplies the world with such talent. Us, on the other hand, have let our college/university grads get literature and history type degrees in far greater numbers, because it's easier.

So, here we are: We've talked ourselves out of our need to provide high tech education as a value in society, while other nations, without massive oil reserves, capitalized on a resource they had: Minds, like they meant it.

Now we want our techie stuff, and we want it now, but the fact is, beyond politics, we have worked our way out of that position pretty well. The way to meet our technological consumerism is to use those people under the H-1B visa program.

Consider this: We have, as a society, given up on the best paying jobs, by making them non-glamorous (not that we have to venerate the techies, but it should not be thought of as a career for social outcasts, which has other cultural attachments of a not very pleasant manner, too).

In additional, I read after Steve Jobs died that he had been part of a fund group that specifically sought out the children of immigrants (specifically those that are the subject of the current immigration debate) to fund and position for high tech educations. My question: What is it in that group that would ignore any under-privileged/at-risk child, already a US citizen by birth equally for such help? Seems to me, those who were in that group, and benefited from the consumerism of the US, then actively are participating in keeping Americans out of such positions?

Bigger question: Do they like the work ethic of those groups as a whole, and have given up on the quality of our future workforce?

Point at politicians all you want, but larger forces have put us here.

Add to this the "defections" of those who made it big in that field, who are "opting out" of being an American, so as not to pay taxes on the gains at our rates. What say you about that?

It's a mess....

3 Bob Levin  Thu, Jul 19, 2012 4:33:59am

re: #1 CuriousLurker

Hey, if I don't see your posts between now and tonight, I hope you have a meaningful Ramadan. ;-)

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